Ciemme Agencies
The reliable source for your manufacturing needs
When your business is our business
Made in Italy furniture accessories and components
Get the most out of your import experience
Hi, my name is Mauro Citterio - CEO of Ciemme Agencies
My team and I, we operate as Sales representatives and marketing promoters of leading Italian manufacturers of furniture accessories and components.
We offer an extensive portfolio of products:
handles, locks, kitchen accessories, sliding systems, lighting solutions, high design faucets and basins, decorative surfaces and edges, fittings… and more.
We work side by side with our Partner companies, making part of their export department. We boast a 30-year expertise of foreign markets and regulations.
Besides we also have an extensive competence in successfully dealing with our customers’ projects.
We are committed to connecting people and businesses who share the same love for the Made in Italy and quality products.
With us, you can rest assured you’ll get the right product, at the best possible price and conditions, straight from the manufacturing company
With us, price is always transparent. Quotation comes directly from the manufacturing company assuring lower and better prices than the standard ones
Your time is precious and we know how much you are busy. We directly put you in touch with the right company, doing the preliminary work
With us, you'll get:
- Top-quality products from selected manufacturers
- Best price & selling conditions for specific request
- Short average response time from the supplier companies
- No surcharge to your dedicated purchase price
- Frequent meetings at your headquarters or at international fairs
Get in touch!
You will get your answer in less than 48 hours
We believe that every customer deserve a fast and proper reply and we commit ourselves to replying to each e-mail by the end of the day.
In some cases we do not manage it but you can always count on our reply by the next working day.
It’s our promise.
Italian furniture
accessories & components
to your country?
We can help you develop
your business in the right way
Fill in the form
and tell us your needs:
we’ll give you our focused advice!